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When will the PEPSI® Wild Cherry & Cream Sweepstakes draw occur?
One Hundred (100) potential winners will be randomly selected from all eligible entries received on or about March 10, 2025.
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How many prizes are available?
One Hundred (100) PEPSI® Wild Cherry & Cream prizes are available to be awarded.
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Why can't I select my size?
If you are a sweepstakes winner of the PEPSI® Wild Cherry & Cream sweepstakes, you will be contacted to provide your size information. Your selected prize will then be awarded in your chosen size.
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What are PEPSI® Drops?
With a legacy spanning 125 years at the crossroads of music, fashion, sports, food, and culture, Pepsi is ready to transform Pepsi.com into a haven for exclusive access to the kind of culturally significant drops that only Pepsi can deliver.
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How do I enter a PEPSI® Drop?
To enter and receive one (1) entry, you must visit Pepsi.com and complete registration. After successfully registering and verifying your account, you ... Read More
Who is eligible to participate?
In order to participate, you must be at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry (or nineteen (19) years old in AL and NE) and a legal ... Read More
Which products are eligible?
Eligible Products may include but are not limited to:
● Pepsi®
● Pepsi® Zero Sugar
● Diet Pepsi®
● Nitro Pepsi® Vanilla
● ... Read More
Can I enter without purchase?
Yes, purchase is not required to enter for an entry into the Grand Prize sweepstakes, and does not increase a person’s chance of winning. See Official Rules for information on how to enter without purchase.
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Do I need a camera on my device to participate?
Yes, your device must have a camera to scan the Pepsi Globe logo within the program website. You must also grant access to the camera.
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How many times can I enter per day?
There is a limit of one (1) scan/entry per day per person/email address.
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