PepsiCo Recycling and Sustainability Initiatives

PepsiCo’s Packaging Sustainability Agenda  

At PepsiCo, we recognize that packaging is often improperly disposed of after a product has been consumed, and we share the concern that plastics and other wastes are accumulating in the marine environment and on land. In order to ensure packaging doesn’t end up as litter or in a landfill – and to help make Pepsi’s environmental impact a positive one – we are working to accomplish the following goals as part of our 2025 packaging sustainability agenda:  


  1. Strive to design 100 percent of our packaging to be recyclable, compostable or biodegradable,
  2. Strive to use 25 percent recycled content in our plastic packaging by collaborating with our suppliers, helping to increase consumer education, fostering cross-industry and public-private partnerships, and advocating for improved recycling infrastructure and regulatory reform, all of which are required to realize our ambition,
  3. By 2025, PepsiCo will reduce virgin plastic use across our beverage portfolio by 35%, equating to the elimination of 2.5 million metric tons of cumulative virgin plastic when taking into account business growth. On an absolute basis, this includes a 20% virgin plastic reduction vs a 2018 baseline. 
  4. In partnership with the PepsiCo Foundation, work to increase recycling rates.


Our Vision for Sustainable Plastics  

Among our packaging material types, we recognize that plastic packaging in particular has caused significant concern. In 2018, we used 2.3 million metric tons of plastic to package products throughout our food and beverage portfolio. PepsiCo’s sustainable plastics vision is to build a world where plastics need never become waste. We aim to achieve that vision through reducing, recycling and reinventing. 

Reduce: Reduce the plastic that we use.

We are working to reduce our plastic use by minimizing plastic used in our packaging and by exploring alternative low impact, environmentally-friendly packaging materials and delivery mechanisms. To meet consumers’ individual needs while delivering high-quality beverages without single-use plastic bottles, we are working to expand our portfolio of options that go Beyond the Bottle.

Recycle: Support a circular economy for plastics.

Increasing recycling rates supports a circular economy by ensuring an end use of each package put into the market, thus preventing waste and protecting the environment. We’re working to increase consumer recycling by: 

  • Designing packaging that is 100% recyclable, compostable or biodegradable
  • Investing in recycling infrastructure 
  • Increasing Use of Recycled Plastic Content in Our Packaging Materials
  • Investing in Consumer Education

Reinvent: Improve the packaging and plastic that we use.

As a top producer of consumer packaged food & beverages, we must continue to innovate and reinvent our packaging. We strive to be on the leading edge of sustainable packaging and will continue to reinvent our packaging.


PepsiCo Recycling Initiatives 

In addition to all the work we put into making our products and packaging more sustainable, PepsiCo Recycling strives to create even bigger change and empower consumers to take action through our recycling programs, partnerships and events. Here are just a few examples of PepsiCo Recycling initiatives.


Recycle Rally

If you’re in K-12 and want to give your school’s recycling efforts a helping hand, join us in becoming a Recycle Rally school and we’ll help boost excitement about recycling and provide your school with an array of tools to support recycling efforts.


Community Recycling

PepsiCo Recycling works with retailers and communities to make recycling more accessible and convenient for everyone, whether close to home or on-the-go.


Recycling Roadster

The PepsiCo Recycling Roadster is a hybrid vehicle that travels around the country to inform people about the importance of recycling and PepsiCo's Performance with Purpose mission. If you want to see the Recycling Roadster in action, you can view the schedule here.


How You Can Get Involved with Trash Pickup and Recycling Efforts

When it comes to something as important as recycling, every bit of action helps. Here are two easy ways you can take the lead and do more to reduce litter and waste in your own community.

Organize a Trash Pickup Event

Have a favorite beach, park, highway, or other public space in your city or town? Organize a group of volunteers – like family, friends or coworkers – to take part in a trash pickup effort at one of your favorite local spots. Just be sure to separate trash from recyclables so you can drop the latter off at a recycling center. 

 Start a Cash for Cans Drive in Your Community

Spearhead a ‘cash for cans’ drive in your community, asking people to donate their aluminum cans for recycling. Want to give back while you do good? Pledge to give the proceeds from any recycled cans to a local charity or good cause. If you’re unsure where to drop off the cans you’ve collected, it’s as simple as looking up “recycling center near me” or “metal recycling near me.”

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