Learn more here about the limited recall on 13 oz. bags of Tostitos Cantina Traditional Yellow Corn Tortilla Chips due to undeclared milk. 


What is SmartLabel™?
SmartLabel is PepsiCo’s digital tool that’s used by a many food, beverage and other companies in the U.S. It provides you with instant access to product information beyond what’s on the product label.

What information does SmartLabel provide?
On our products’ SmartLabel pages, you’ll find label information such as ingredients and nutrition facts, plus third-party certifications for ingredient standards, product advisories and usage information, and links to brand information.

How do I access SmartLabel?
You can access SmartLabel multiple ways:
  1. Visit SmartLabel’s product search here on the Smart Label website, or
  2. Conduct an online browser search with your smartphone, tablet or computer using the product name and “SmartLabel,” or
  3. Scan the SmartLabel QR code that you see on package using your smartphone’s camera or any QR code reader, or
  4. Visit the participating brand’s website; many of them have links to SmartLabel pages 
Visit www.pepsicosmartlabel.com to view PepsiCo’s products on SmartLabel.

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